Where did the money go?
William Rutherford sent this letter to question the status of the missing money issue. The money is missing from the previous County Clerk's Administration which ended in 2011. The letter is submitted by William Rutherford. Posted 12/12/12. prg
Mr. Jack Conway
Office of Attorney General
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Good morning.
I am writing to you because of a troubling situation that exists in Spencer County. The situation is the missing $134,000 from the County Clerk’s office. I also understand this may not be the total extent of the missing monies. I further understand that a state audit is being or was conducted to determine the situation in the Clerk’s office for the past fiscal year may increase this number.
Since revenue is currently the national dialog, you can understand my surprise to discover that NO ONE is doing time in prison for ‘losing’ the taxes of the hard working citizens in Spencer County.
I am sure that you can appreciate that this county could use these monies.
• When will the AG initial criminal proceedings to punish those who ‘lost’ these hard earned taxpayers monies?
• When will the audit be completed?
• Where is this investigation on the AG’s priority list?
Taxpayers are the source of last resort. It would be criminal to not move for early resolution of this situation.
William J. Rutherford
c. Sen. Paul Hornback
Rep. Brad Montell
Rep. David Floyd
Spencer Co Magnet
Mr. Jack Conway
Office of Attorney General
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Good morning.
I am writing to you because of a troubling situation that exists in Spencer County. The situation is the missing $134,000 from the County Clerk’s office. I also understand this may not be the total extent of the missing monies. I further understand that a state audit is being or was conducted to determine the situation in the Clerk’s office for the past fiscal year may increase this number.
Since revenue is currently the national dialog, you can understand my surprise to discover that NO ONE is doing time in prison for ‘losing’ the taxes of the hard working citizens in Spencer County.
I am sure that you can appreciate that this county could use these monies.
• When will the AG initial criminal proceedings to punish those who ‘lost’ these hard earned taxpayers monies?
• When will the audit be completed?
• Where is this investigation on the AG’s priority list?
Taxpayers are the source of last resort. It would be criminal to not move for early resolution of this situation.
William J. Rutherford
c. Sen. Paul Hornback
Rep. Brad Montell
Rep. David Floyd
Spencer Co Magnet
Letter to Speaker Boenhner and Response about the Fiscal Cliff
Speaker Boenhner,
While I applaud your efforts to protect American citizens from the effects of going over the fiscal cliff, I am not convinced that the Pres. is of like mind. I see the House Republicans as negotiating with themselves. Anything offered up is catagorically rejected out of hand without any compromising of their position.
Additionally there is Mr. Reid and the Senate to deal with after any 'compromise' is reached with the Pres. No additional comment necessary.
Any promised reduction is spending is a drop in the proverbial bucket. Unless there is a T behind the number it will be nothing more than what the country borrows to keep it running for a few hours and it will be the usual promise of give me more tillions to spend now and I will promise to cut the RATE of spending (this is not a real cut as understood in private business where, admittedly, all my experience lies) that will save untold billions in the next 10+ years. Not being part of the 47% I do realize that these types of promises are just smoke and mirror jibberish and will never come to pass as no sitting Congress can obligate the spending of succeeding Congresses.
I see the Republican party as in much the same situation as it was during the FDR years. They were effectively neutralized for the next 40 years. I fear this has happened again. Republicans cannot match the give aways offered and provided by the Democrat party. Our educational programs are non-existent. We are a party in search of a message and a sales pitch. Conservatism is a four letter word. The benefits of conservatism are lost in the noise of petty personal attacks that go unchallenged.
The famous 47% + SEIU + UAW + various teacher unions may very well exceed 50%. A Ben Franklin quote,'When the people discover they can vote themselves money, that will heald the end of the Republic'. I believe the next few months will tell us if that point has been reached.
William J. Rutherford
379 Airport Rd.
Taylorsville, KY 40071
[email protected]
While I applaud your efforts to protect American citizens from the effects of going over the fiscal cliff, I am not convinced that the Pres. is of like mind. I see the House Republicans as negotiating with themselves. Anything offered up is catagorically rejected out of hand without any compromising of their position.
Additionally there is Mr. Reid and the Senate to deal with after any 'compromise' is reached with the Pres. No additional comment necessary.
Any promised reduction is spending is a drop in the proverbial bucket. Unless there is a T behind the number it will be nothing more than what the country borrows to keep it running for a few hours and it will be the usual promise of give me more tillions to spend now and I will promise to cut the RATE of spending (this is not a real cut as understood in private business where, admittedly, all my experience lies) that will save untold billions in the next 10+ years. Not being part of the 47% I do realize that these types of promises are just smoke and mirror jibberish and will never come to pass as no sitting Congress can obligate the spending of succeeding Congresses.
I see the Republican party as in much the same situation as it was during the FDR years. They were effectively neutralized for the next 40 years. I fear this has happened again. Republicans cannot match the give aways offered and provided by the Democrat party. Our educational programs are non-existent. We are a party in search of a message and a sales pitch. Conservatism is a four letter word. The benefits of conservatism are lost in the noise of petty personal attacks that go unchallenged.
The famous 47% + SEIU + UAW + various teacher unions may very well exceed 50%. A Ben Franklin quote,'When the people discover they can vote themselves money, that will heald the end of the Republic'. I believe the next few months will tell us if that point has been reached.
William J. Rutherford
379 Airport Rd.
Taylorsville, KY 40071
[email protected]
December 19, 2012
Mr. William Rutherford
379 Airport Rd
Taylorsville, KY 40071-9515
Dear Mr. Rutherford:
Thank you for contacting me about the so-called fiscal cliff, the combination of automatic defense cuts and tax rate increases that’s just weeks away from taking effect. The fiscal cliff threatens our economy and our national security, and I’m committed to working with both parties to stop it.
Sending our country off the fiscal cliff would have serious consequences for all Americans. That’s why I’ve outlined an alternative – a way for Democrats and Republicans, President Obama and Congress to work together to help our economy grow and create jobs, which is critical to tackling our national debt. My framework calls for:
Thank you again for contacting me and please stay in touch.
John A. Boehner
Speaker of the House
P.S., I made a Pledge to America to focus on jobs and removing government barriers to economic growth. To learn more about these efforts, visit Speaker.gov to sign up for email updates; join the conversation on Facebook; and connect with my office on Twitter or Google+
Mr. William Rutherford
379 Airport Rd
Taylorsville, KY 40071-9515
Dear Mr. Rutherford:
Thank you for contacting me about the so-called fiscal cliff, the combination of automatic defense cuts and tax rate increases that’s just weeks away from taking effect. The fiscal cliff threatens our economy and our national security, and I’m committed to working with both parties to stop it.
Sending our country off the fiscal cliff would have serious consequences for all Americans. That’s why I’ve outlined an alternative – a way for Democrats and Republicans, President Obama and Congress to work together to help our economy grow and create jobs, which is critical to tackling our national debt. My framework calls for:
- Stopping all tax rate hikes. According to a study by independent accounting firm Ernst & Young, the fiscal cliff tax rate increases that some want to allow to go into effect will destroy 700,000 jobs. The House passed a bipartisan bill to stop all of the increased tax rates that are scheduled to hit our economy on January 1, but the Senate passed a bill that would only stop some of them. The tax rate hikes that would be allowed to occur under the Senate-passed bill are part of the fiscal cliff economists are warning against. We don’t need higher tax rates, we need a stronger economy.
- Reforming our tax code. Instead of raising tax rates and destroying jobs, let’s focus on building a fairer, simpler tax code by closing loopholes and lowering rates. Pro-growth tax reform will bring jobs home and lead to a stronger economy. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 is a model for this kind of reform. A stronger economy means more revenue – which is what President Obama is seeking.
- Cutting spending & saving our entitlement programs. We need to get serious about shoring up the entitlement programs that are the primary drivers of our country’s massive, growing debt. And repealing the president’s health care law – which is raising costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers – must be on the table as well.
- Protecting our troops. Defense officials say the fiscal cliff will devastate our armed forces. That’s why the House already passed a bill to replace the defense “sequester” with common-sense spending cuts and reforms. This is the direction we need to go. Instead of jeopardizing our security, let’s fix our tax code, and make spending cuts and reforms that are truly needed.
Thank you again for contacting me and please stay in touch.
John A. Boehner
Speaker of the House
P.S., I made a Pledge to America to focus on jobs and removing government barriers to economic growth. To learn more about these efforts, visit Speaker.gov to sign up for email updates; join the conversation on Facebook; and connect with my office on Twitter or Google+